Educational Loans

Since education is the one of the most important investments of your life, utilize this loan to help you manage the rising costs of higher education and finance your educational needs. We render financial assistance to deserving and meritorious students undergoing higher studies in India or abroad. In case of minors, loans will be sanctioned jointly in the name of the student and the guardian.


Quantum of Loan

Repayment period



Special offers on your debit card.

Adarsh Bank

Steered by the motto of Safety, Profitability and Liquidity, we at Adarsh Cooperative Urban Bank are into our 21st year of operation and have emerged as the one of the foremost and fast growing Banks in the cooperative banking sector of Andhra Pradesh, commanding a good standing and reputation among customers and banking community.

Gold Loans

Lower ROI of 11%

Higher Interest Rates

Higher Interest rates on Fixed Deposit.

Platinum Cards

Platinum cards at nominal charges.